My first day at radcliffe college was of great interest 在拉德克利夫大学的第一天我兴趣盎然。
Professor hu graduated from ginling college in nanking in 1933 and received her master of science degree from lingnan university in 1937 . in 1946 , she became the first chinese female to pursue doctoral education in harvard university under a scholarship from radcliffe college 胡秀英教授于一九三三年毕业于南京金陵女子大学,一九三七年于岭南大学完成硕士课程,并于一九四六年到美国哈佛大学深造,是中国首位获radcliffe学院奖学金到哈佛攻读博士学位的女学生。
Radcliffe College was a women's liberal arts college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and was the coordinate college for all-male Harvard College. It was also one of the Seven Sisters colleges, amongst which it shared with Bryn Mawr College the reputation of having a particularly intellectual and independent-minded student body.
radcliffe college 뜻:래드클리프 칼리지radcliffe college перевод:Колледж Рэдклифф (Рэдклиффский колледж) Престижный частный колледж высшей ступени [senior college] гуманитарного направления для девушек в г. Кеймбридже, шт. Массачусетс. Основан в 1879. Около 2,7...